Friday, July 11, 2008

Courteous And Mercy On Accident Patient

Im not sure weather i should put this picture or not..
small caption, if dare enough.. click to view larger..

This guy came to the emergency department at 9pm. with history of motor vehicle accident 1 1/2 hour ago. NO ONE Respond or help him to the nearest hospital.

Patient suffers below knee amputation (potong kaki bawah lutut) because of the injury (muscle, tendon injury, etc and the delay progress itself.

He is young, family man with 1 son. How is he going to feed em' later?
you guys think.. dont because of geli darah here and there, takut, etc
If you dont help people.
think of their future and put urself in their shoes.

It is totally different with the western norm. Public help each other..

here are some useful tips to help people :

1. Wear appropriate protection before you hold the casualty ( protection of HIV virus) try not to contact patient with wounded hand ( tangan kalau luka, jgn gatal2 nak usik orang berdarah/cecair)

2. Try to counter act the bleeding with clean cloth @ the wound (tekan luka
berdarah dgn kain bersih)

3. If badly mechanism of injury, try not to move his neck or back as much as u can ( because you might make him paralyse (kalau cedera teruk; terbang; tercampak;etc please jgn gerakkan badan dia bnyk sgt terutama tulang belakang dan leher kerana akan sebabkan dia lumpuh

4. Tell the emergency officer about what happen during the accident, on board weather the patient was vomited, lost of conscious, etc.. ( bagi tau dkt staff emergency tentang ape yg berlaku dkt tmpt kejadian atau semasa dlm pejalanan seperti muntah2, pengsan, dsb.

With the tips given, i hope you can save patient ;)

Best regards,
Benn Shah


cik.yati said...

siannye...almost crying tau..
semoga ALLAH permudahkan hidup dia sekeluarga...

BennY Shah said...

tu la.. kesian dia..
harap dia positive utk teruskan hidup ni.. walaupun dgn kaki palsu.


Unknown said...

awwww... pity the guy..Not to belittle him, but at least he can still walk even with prosthetic leg. My dad was involved in a road accident 5 months ago, fractured his right pelvic bone, and until now he can't walk.(His right leg healed fast, only problem is the hip is not able to carry the burden of his weight)...

he still hasn't work since then. And i pity dad. From one superduper workaholic guy, to being stuck at home 24/7...