Thursday, August 7, 2008

My 1st Experience On Tv =)

Life is getting better and better =)

Last time, there was a production company came to my emergency department with permission of Department of Corperate.

They wanna do a documentary reguarding a person who working on nite shift in emergency department. The best thing is, i've been chosen to represnt my department by my boss =) how big the responsibility is? we'll see.. hehhe

2am, ambulance call - car skidded @ travers. went to the site dengan cameraman ikut belakang record ape yg i buat.. (kita dah biasa wat keja) tapi kalau orang record keja kita ni rasa 'sengal' sket =) hehhe..

2.30am arrived at emergency department.. - treatment etc, smua dia record.. tapi part2 privacy i x kasi la dia.. xleh la.. nk? kena keja spital =) hehhe

after that, they all go back.. but they promise me, there will be another follow up. interview, etc..

2 days later they ask my schedule.. then, i told em' wednesday i on evening shift. then dia org dtg la..(mcm artist pulak dia org yg set apointmnt dgn i) hehhe

wednesday 12.07.06

dia org dtg around 7.30pm, i baca soalan2 yg bakal disoal.. kemudian, go tru.. xnk hafal/baca text.. nanti kaku + x best =) pegi la discuss dgn boss.. ok x jwpn i smua.. dia kata ok..

interview pun dlm progress.. tetiba i kena pegi ambulance call, and once again, the cameraman pun ikut la.. tapi, kali ni i xplain ape dlm ambulance, procedure, management, etc.. (ddk facing back ni dah lama x wat... kepala dah pening sbnrnya.. nak muntah pun ada =) hehhhe tapi kontrol hensem + macho.. hehhe

then bila smpi department, treat patient..etc.. the crew ckp, boleh sambung ke?

i ckp.. boleh i rest kejap x.. kepala ade pening sikit.. kang jawap soalan ape ntah ngarut.. kang brape roll pulak korang pakai kang.. hehehe..

dia org pun kasi la i rest.. (dkt sini yg rasa mcm artist besar, leh pakse dia org rest lakk.. hehhe.. kalau stakat plakun tambahan dah lame kena lempang dgn director ;)

kemudiam, interview diteruskan.. sampai la 10pm.. kepala sgt2 pening + stress krn nk jawap soalan dia, orang ramai tgk, blakun dpn org, belajan sana sini.. (1st time mmg la segan tahap cipan =)

then, balik terus tidor.. kpla sgt2 la pening + x tahan + penat.. and i didnt tell any1 untill i wrote this blog inc. my gal .. sorry yer =)

the programme expctd to be on air around July 29, 2008. 12.30pm RTM 1 Tuesday.

I dont care about the payment.. but i really enjoy working with the crew and the director was so nice to me =) the best experience in my life.....



Anonymous said...

rugi ah rtm, patut pilih aku.. wakaka..gud work benny :)

Anonymous said...

gile ar ben... pasni jadikan aku patient lak... leh masuk tv skali....

Anonymous said...

lepas ni lg rmi la pt. yg request benn yg rawat diaorg! ^_*

BennY Shah said...

thanx for the compliment..

hmm.. pengalaman yg best =)
dapat bekerja dgn crew + expose kerja i dkt emergency..